- 1/2 cup Bluebird Emmer Farro
- 1/2 cup French Lentils (Or 1 cup Bluebird Einka & French Lentils and omit separate items)
- 1 16 ounce can chickpeas drained (I never have luck cooking chickpeas!)
- 2 large red peppers roasted
- 1 large bunch swiss chard chopped
- 1 small red onion chopped finely
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 lemon squeezed
- sea salt
- dash cumin
- Pre heat oven to 450.
- On stovetop, simmer Emmer farro and French Lentils together in 4 cups of water with a dash of salt for 45-50 minutes. (if using Bluebird Einka & Lentil blend, follow directions on package) Drain excess liquid. Cool.
- While Emmer and Lentils are cooking roast peppers in oven for 30 minutes until the skins are wrinkled and peppers are charred, turning them twice during roasting. Remove from the oven and cover tightly until they are cool enough to handle. Slice in long thin strips.
- Chop Swiss chard and onion.
- Combine all ingredients together. Dress with olive oil, lemon juice, and sea salt and sprinkle with a pinch of fresh ground cumin.