May Farmer Notes

Farmer Notes

There are few sweeter ways to wake up than to the urgent song of spring birds. This has been the way here in the month of May. What we continue to lack in rain we’ve certainly gained in mild temperatures and birds, birds, birds!  Truth to tell, we’ve already sown half of our grains and one day while planting our einka, there a bluebird indeed landed!  Combined with the early-May full moon, I believe this is why our first seeding has  jumped out of the ground.

To be sure, the soil temperature is warmer than in many springs past. Time will tell if an earlier start will benefit us or not?  Here at mid-month we’re rolling along with hopes of having everything sown by the month’s end. We’ve still got half our pre-plant fertilizer to spread, and next week we’ll turn under our winter peas for some real fertilizers on last years grain fields.  Meanwhile, we’ll start feeding the grains that are already up  by applying liquid fish very soon. Each spring I feel like a beginner, I’m fond to mention. That said, one thing that becomes clearer all the time is that to grow anything of value, one constantly has to be building the soils biology. Biology is what it is all about. This is one reason we’ve shifted toward chicken based pre-plant, followed by the fish and the on-going green manures such as the peas.  Without good biology, it matters not what a grower might “apply” for fertilizer, it will not be recognized nor used by the soil.

The only interruptions with the farming this spring really have been with equipment  This, too, seems to go in cycles. Primarily, our old International 1086 continues to have fits, despite all the TLC we  annually give it.  Basically, we’ve not been able to use it much and this makes us all the more grateful to have gotten our new Kubota last fall.  This has assured we still have two machines to work with, even though we use the John Deere most days up here at the granary. Dead Red?  Red has mostly been dead, but perhaps one more trip to the hospital and Red will be back in time for us to finish planting…?

The granary crew continues to roll as orders continue to flow. Hanz is doing a great job stream-lining some of our through-put in the milling line, and Brad has been learning quickly.  We’re fortunate to have such conscientious talent on board.  Thanks guys!

We finally got a few showers the other afternoon. Although May is likely our busiest month here at Bluebird, it is a month that never ceases to delight. It fairly made me want to write a poem about it!  Then I realized I already had. Here’s one from some years ago when we were experiencing a similar droughty spring.  Hope you enjoy…



Not just sprinkles

But a moving chorus

Come down

From shrouded melting peaks

Out from the lifting fog

Across the springtime valley.


Cool and easy

Kiss the brittle sage

Make sweet and tangy

These hard dry hills

Come unafraid and curious

Tip-toeing toward the fields.

Spread open and clutch

This anxious eager earth

Harrowed, sown, waiting

Through sunrise and moon-set

For gentle May breezes to rise up

And sing the long spring song.

Listen: Thrushes’ trill

Meadowlarks’ lullaby

A growing pitter- patter

Dancing ‘cross dusty stone

Along tender aspen run

Pelting dusty dirt

Swallowing the land whole.


Yours, Farmer Sam

