And the holiday season has begun! This is hard to believe yet as I write this on Thanksgiving weekend I’m quite aware the year is nearing the end-zone and next up is the “Big One”. Like many, I actually enjoy Thanksgiving as much as Christmas. More so, in some ways. No matter, the joy and thankfulness of both sanctify this darker and quieter time of year I love. November.
Blessed and glorious November that, once again, delivered. Big time, giving us the nice, steady rains I’d so hoped for, as these rains softened and opened the soil. Then before the ground could freeze, we received a substantial dollop of first-snow to the tune a foot or so, with more that followed. The snow itself had a lot of moisture in it, as temps stayed barely below freezing. Now we have pliant, soft ground under a beautiful winters’ quilt and this starts a great moisture profile for the next growing season. Thank you, November. My favorite month and perhaps one of the most reliable, like any old friend.
Now the chickadees chime in and the nuthatch crawl up and down the porch beams and winter seems to be settling in as the calendar turns to this final month. It was another fulfilling year here at Bluebird as we still worked out some adjustments and made more efficiencies within our new digs that are already over two years old! Many of you may have noticed that the quality and consistency of our products have remained good as ever. As is our promise, we are just doing more of what we feel we do best: Offering quality foods and punctual service.
Punctual as we can be on our end, that is. Many might have noticed the poor ole’ postal service has been struggling as of late, as have a few other freight companies. We can’t always predict these sorts of things. If you are planning holiday orders please consider giving both us, and you some extra ordering time! We love putting together gifts for so many, but we want to make sure they get to where they are going on time! There are lots of empty spaces out there, still. That isn’t a bad thing.
Thinking of empty spaces, the night skies have been quiet around here lately. If it hasn’t been raining or snowing, there have been some crisp stars and a waning moon. However, I’ve not heard the owls as of late, and the coyotes come and go like usual. To step out and stroll before bed this time of year is a lesson in listening. Deep listening can lead to reflection, particularly when the only sound is one’s own rustling. I remain amazed by Nature.
I am more amazed by Nature all the time, I should say. The sudden and heavy snow is beautiful in my mind, but not all creatures feel this. Most, actually, feel undo stress. Walking up our driveway the other evening several deer were using the roadway and were not anxious to bound out across the snowy fields. I saw where both partridge and quail had moved toward the crabapple tree at the edge of our yard where they’d been scratching away for fruit. Up on the hill above our place, I noticed small partridge tracks weaving among the bunchgrass tips that barely poked above the snow. Not much to eat there, but something at least. Being ground feeders, these poor little birds were having to make fast adjustments. Likely too fast for all to survive. Some silence is lovely; some eerie I suppose. Nature. Resilience. Easy for me to say beautiful.
This time of year we think of Peace on Earth if for some reason we’ve not been thinking about Peace the rest of the year? It is always my wish. And I wish that all of you have had a nice Thanksgiving gathering, and look forward to Christmas as do I. I hope we can all take some quieter moments and think about what we can do for others.
I appreciate all that you customers do for us here at Bluebird as we enter our 20th year! Couldn’t have done it without so many of you and we are most grateful. Here is to your health. Here is to many more years together. More so than ever, we truly do rely on one another.
Merry, Merry and I’ll be in touch with you next year!
Your Farmer, Sam