From our kitchen window it seems that even the chickadees wear the ice-fog that has shrouded our Valley these past January days. To be sure, the two Labs return from outside with new frosting on their otherwise deep, black coats. The roses, apricot trees, mulberry and sage wear the same. About this time last January, we had similar stalled weather. However, this year we have a solid snow-pack. And I do mean solid as following every snow storm in December we had either a thaw, or rain and a thaw.
Truth to tell, the stage is set for a beautiful moisture profile for our soils come spring. The total moisture here in the Methow for 2014 actually came in over 2 inches higher than the 35 year average. Most all of that moisture came last February (snow) and then this late fall and early winter (snow and rain). We are grateful! Yes, this has every bit to do with the farming news as we already are thinking about the up-coming season.
Thanks to all of you loyal customers: Home users, restaurants, distributors – we had another year of growth in 2014 and this year has begun on the same pace. We love the fact that you love our goods!! We like them, too. In fact, our youngest daughter, Mariah (10) made a batch of our emmer sage biscuits (my personal fave) this past Sunday to go with my family-famous venison stew. She liked the stew biscuits so much, she was up this morning before school, making another round of biscuits! This a girl who generally stays in bed until the very last moment – particularly on school days. Warm from the oven, she wrapped a couple up for both her and her older sister Larkin, then popped them into their lunches. Oh, she requested a thermos of stew to go along. What not to like?
I wish I could say this is the season for reflection but in reality, things have been so busy it has been trying to find the time. Certainly we’ve had time to realize how grateful we are for the good things in 2014 and still are pained for many who lost much here in the Valley at the same time. 2015 we’re hoping will bring more stability all around but change is all we can count on. We have been spending most of our reflective time talking about some changes here at Bluebird that we’re hoping to implement and to be sure, we will keep you abreast of these. Included will be changes to help us with increased efficiency, production and employment. One thing that will not change is our standard of quality and service.
Yeah, I’m dreaming of a few improved “tools” for the fields already. As well, we are always looking at potential farm leases. Meanwhile, meeting freight trucks, UPS and even getting to the post office has it’s challenges this time of year. Here again, our employees have risen up. In a rural community, individuals make all the difference. We are fortunate to work with committed freight drivers who really go out of their way to get our goods and ultimately, move them on to you.
What will the next 10 years of Bluebird look like? I’ll let you know soon as I know! For right now, however, I’m thinking in the moment and hoping the finches leave a few sunflowers for the chickadees, and that the coyotes only kill the deer they need in this crusty snow and that we all think of the people around us, too.
I LOVE the depth of winter. I hope you are getting time to enjoy this “quiet” season, too.
Yours, Farmer Sam