Juncos and chickadees and our annual flock of brilliant Bohemian Waxwings ring in the New Year here at Bluebird. These little birds indeed seem to be the lively “icing” on an otherwise cold, white countryside cake! Just in the past few days the temperature has moderated from a sustained stretch of below zero nights and days barely in the teens. Alas, cold is what makes winter so pure.
Bit by bit our snowpack is adding up and, on top of our very wet fall, the soil profile I’m thinking is going to be plenty moist once the longer light of April is upon us. Meanwhile, we’ve been having fun redistributing the snow and entertaining ourselves with trying to get orders out in a timely fashion. During current conditions, this means ferrying pallets 2.5 miles down to pavement to meet freight trucks. Chad, our UPS driver has been doing great navigating what the county calls a road out here, and has no problem once he hits our driveway. And so; we’re hoping you all have not seen a drop in our service.
We had a great holiday break and came back to work exhausted after the first. After a mellow week or two, we seem to be back to busy and enjoy the fact that there are so many out there loving our products. What better thing to ward off winters’ chill than fresh bread or some hardy grains in any form!
Already, our afternoons are brighter as the days lengthen. It is flabbergasting how fast it all happens each year! I’ve not pondered too many farming thoughts yet, but they will rise up by the next letter I’ve little doubt. We’re never very far away from farm thoughts when we run the grains each week. I must say, the emmer we’ve been running from this year’s crop is really nice stuff. Cleans well, mills well, tastes well. As well, we’re finding the wheat to be very consistent, too. Still and all, my new love is the Einka farro. Really a fun grain!
For this farmer, winter passes too quickly. Seems like the time for reflection has been all but lost in some ways. And yet, winter is the time for this, if no other. We’ve got a good crew on board right now, and I feel like we’re entering a very good year here at Bluebird. Given these uncertain times, I like to think that consistency and intent are ever more important. Eating well, and supporting healthy farming may be a good way to keep from easily being pulled down. To that end, I encourage all of you to gather round and stay healthy.
Welcome to the New Year! I count my blessings most every day and we are glad to have this “organic” relationship with so many over these years. Let’s keep on keeping on…
Yours, Farmer Sam