That fast, we are at the beginning round of 12 more moons! The dark month of December was all the darker due to continued storms and thus, very few nights were clear enough to see the moon whether full or new! Truth to tell, December delivered a lot of moisture right on the coattails of a wet November and our snowpack is in very good shape as we begin this new year. I love the silence and comfort of full snow banks and pure white fields. However, as I pointed out in last year’s notes, this sort of snow is hard on many other creatures.
Birds like the chickadee we might associate with joy for a white and quiet landscape, wherein their ‘chickadee-dee-dee’ cadence sounds more cheery and poignant. Owls of the night sanctify the depth of winter, and one snowy day I saw the most perfect little northern pygmy owl along a brushy, unfrozen seep. A deep winters’ landscape can be so quiet, one’s own breathing can seem disruptive. Let alone the sound of squeaky footsteps…
The fields are snug, the holidays have come and gone, and the new year of work has begun here at Bluebird Grain Farms as we enter our 20th year. Twenty years… As the younger generation exclaims: Really!? It has gone that fast and we have learned so much. We’ve met a vast host of customers over these years, and look forward to continuing to serve them while welcoming many new customers.
We took a week here at the Farm to regroup following the holiday buzz, and have streamlined a few of our systems even further. We’ve added a couple new and energetic staff members as we plan for a busy year ahead doing the same thing we have always done: Delivering top-quality, organic whole grains and flours grown with deep care, and custom milled on a weekly basis.
With our recently certified Regenerative food processing facility, as well as a number of our Regen certified products, we now offer not only the USDA organic certification, but a Regenerative certification as well. We feel confident that true and certified Regenerative crops will play a very large role in the future of agriculture, and consequently, our climate. And the Regenified certification is as comprehensive and thorough as any. The goal is not only to protect our precious soils, but to improve them. These have always been our main beliefs at Bluebird. We do not go through sometimes expensive, time consuming certification processes just to add another label on our brand. We do it because we believe. As always, we welcome feedback.
We’ve had our hands full with all this new snow while just keeping the Farm cleared for operations! Storm cycles are a double edged sword. While they add twice the work to operations, they bring beautiful moisture for our semi-desert landscape, and this is critical for it to thrive. I always am willing to put up with the greater work load for the overall gain.
Farm Bill update: Another extension has been passed, to the tune of 10 billion USD in farm aid. The majority of this aid will go to three crops: Corn, soy, sugar. None of which will be certified organic, Regenerative, or otherwise. Diabetes anyone? The incoming administration mentions not being in support of this extension? Obviously, there will be a lot to do on any actual Farm Bill – now two years overdue. The most recent extension ends March 14.
Meanwhile, please know that although there are few subsidies for organic crops, our inventory is very strong going into the new year and we will not be running out of our grains anytime soon. Although we think of the holidays as the eating season, really, it is just the beginning of the eating season! Hearty soups and fresh breads warm the soul during these deep winter months. So, please enjoy. We love the thought of our goods leaving our Farm directly for your table. Let’s hope field- to- plate never goes out of style.
Up next: The full “Wolf Moon” !