As longtime Methow Valley residents, we at Bluebird Grain Farms have always been staunch supporters of land conservation efforts. In fact, our new granary and processing facility is located on a property that is permanently protected by a conservation easement!
We’re particularly excited about the Methow Conservancy’s latest conservation project. Imagine the Methow: the Campaign for Sunny M Ranch is on track to purchase and protect 1200 acres near the town of Winthrop, to preserve possibilities for wildlife habitat, farming, recreation, and the local economy. Many mountain communities never get a chance to determine what the landscape near town looks like and how it reflects what the community values. The Methow Valley does.
More than 1000 people & households have joined the Campaign for Sunny M Ranch so far. Once that number reaches 1200, a pool of six donors will give an additional $100,000 toward the campaign goal of $8.3M, bringing the campaign total raised to $8M.
Bluebird Grain Farms is a proud business sponsor of the Methow Conservancy and we are happy to be a part of the Campaign for Sunny M Ranch. We hope you’ll join us in being a part of 1200 donors for 1200 acres. Learn more HERE.
A Few Visitors stopped in this Month
We have had lots of wonderful folks stopping in to Bluebird. Here’s a shout out to a few that we got to see this month. We appreciate you taking the time to stop in.
Bruce has been a long time customer at Bluebird. He stopped in to get his Pasayten Hard White Wheat Berries for his sourdough bread. He reports that he mills everything at home for his weekly bread baking routine. His buddy Bob, who has a cabin in the Methow, is not much of a baker but loves to eat Bruce’s Bread.
Bob: I hope the T-shirt fit!
Melissa Spear, the Executive director of Tilth Alliance, a state wide organization that advocates for organic agriculture and local food systems, stopped in with valley resident Gwynn. It was fun to show them our farm and to discuss the opportunities and challenges of Organic Agriculture in Washington State.
If you would like to learn more about Tilth Alliance, please visit their website and consider becoming a member.
Upcoming Granary & Farm Tours
- Saturday, May 13th Noon – 3 PM: Open house, baked goods and pop up shop from 12-3pm. Granary Tour is from 2:00-3:00 PM. Sign up HERE if you would like to participate in the tour.
- June 6th: First Tuesday Lecture Series with the Methow Conservancy at Bluebird Grain Farms.
Public Drop in Hours: Monday-Friday,9:00 to 4:00 PM
We welcome drop in visitors on site Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Stop in and see our new digs and pop up shop. If you would like to request a group tour ( 10 +) of our facility- please reach out to and we will do our best to accommodate you. Our address is 19611 Hwy 20, Winthrop WA.
Pick up Box
We have a pick up box on our front porch. If you are only here on the weekend you can place your order online, choose “farm pickup” and you will not be charged for shipping. We will place your order in our pick up box for weekend and after hours pick up.
Be an Ambassador to Bluebird
Would you like to see Bluebird products in your local grocery store? We sell our ancient grain products in bulk and pre packaged to grocery stores throughout the PNW and beyond. If you are willing to do a little leg work for us, we’d love to help facilitate getting our products in your local store. Email us at the name of your store, the contact information of your store grocery buyer- including email, and phone number. We ask that you speak directly to the buyer and ask them what the process is (every store is different and It is immensely helpful to have customers request our products with their local grocery buyers).