Springs Concerto
The way a spring creek leaps
rolls and glistens
in the sharp, March sun;
each bubble
a gone-by snowflake
each turn
a great crawling out
from the white blanket
and such burrowing in.
New eyes blink-
see grass greening
before them lies
land ripe
for slow, baggy clouds
to spread over
and shed life from within.
Innocence sung-
meadowlarks’ song
Innocence danced-
feet skipping along
to this ancient chime
the only way
the only true
measure of time.
Bluebirds, too – iridescent, shocking bright blue males flitting about the winter-broken bitterbrush and sage. And robins so cheery even on the coldest and most blustery of Spring mornings. Indeed, it has been a “great crawling out” and that slow pace this March, in particular, has been perfect for the solid snowpack, to ease its way into the once dry soil.
My hope for the return of substantial spring water here in the Methow has been somewhat rewarded. Many of the dry potholes last fall, are now charged to a degree and some, brimming with waterfowl. The early flowers: yellow bells, bluebells; spring beauties, and even a few balsamroots are blooming. Spring freshets jaunce down most every coulee – just like in the poem! As we spring toward April, Nature’s pace will quicken in so many ways, as will ours, yet it is always worth taking the slow time to marvel at daily progressions.
We’ve operated through another winter here on the Rendezvous, cranking out “ just-in-time” milled products and grains 5 days a week, snow or shine. Now we are relieved that freight trucks can make it all the way down to the granary. We also welcome a seasonal up-tick in orders in part due to the fact that under current regulations, some of our wholesale customers – predominantly restaurants and restaurant suppliers – are slowly re-opening. For this, we are very excited and hope that both old and new, can thrive after an unexpected and unprecedented dormancy. You all are courageous! We will do whatever we can to support you back on your feet.
This month – no kidding (April 1st) – we will begin fieldwork, as well. I noticed the other day that as the fields begin to emerge from winters’ blanket, the winter grains look like they have survived! Soon, they will be perking up and greening up! We’ve some amount of spring tillage to perform on our other fields and look to be getting in some spring cover crops. I’ve yet to calculate, just how much spring grain at this point, but will, soon.
One of our partner growers down in Connell – the tropics compared to here – planted einkorn way back in February and it is a terrific-looking stand indeed. Way to go, Brad! Risky, well yeah. Wise? He knows his soils, and his farming better than I, so who am I to say?
We are close to submitting for building permits on our expansion facility, and the little podcast experiment that Deputy Don and I worked on this winter, has been released in 4 episodes on Kroot. Our newsletter subscribers get first access to our FIRST episode on organic regenerative agriculture. Please let us know what ya’ think?
We have a very lean, but mighty crew here at the moment. We look forward to refilling a couple open positions, and hopefully add more employment opportunities here in the Agricultural related sector. We can’t let these age-old trades disappear altogether!
Here’s to a beautiful spring and, hopefully, a much healthier spring than last. Please continue to be diligent in doing what we can to overcome the past full year of whacky diversity ie: Covid-19.
Yours, Farmer Sam