Save the Date!


Bluebird Grain Farms is partnering with friends of Friends of Winthrop Library to bring David Montgomery and Anne Bikle’ to the Winthrop Library on October 21st for a lecture and discussion about how to heal our land and reclaim our health.

In the book, the authors David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé take us beyond the well-worn adage to deliver a new truth: the roots of good health start on farms. What Your Food Ate takes evidence from recent and forgotten science to illustrate how the health of the soil nourishes crops, livestock, and ultimately us.  Join us as we delve into the book and collectively share insights on the profound connection between soil health and human well-being.

More information on the book can be found on the authors’ website: 

If you are signed up for our Book Club Discussion, we will be meeting at the Winthrop Library on July 13th from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. We will be discussing chapters 1-6. Please sign up HERE if you plan to join our Book discussion group. Books can be checked out at the Winthrop Library or purchased at Trails End Bookstore.
