New Videos, News & Musings from May

News & Announcements

We have added and released two new videos to our series titled “From Plow to Plate.” Learn why cultivation is so important and get intimate with the cultipacker! We hope these videos give you some insight into our farming steps and practices. You can watch the entire series on our YouTube channel.

I had the pleasure of traveling to Point Defiance to speak to the Tacoma Garden Club about land stewardship, conservation and our organic farming practices. I gave a 45 minute presentation detailing our farming practices and how they dovetail with land stewardship. It is always a pleasure to travel to new places and experience communities coming together around conservation issues. Thank you to Dorothy Hudson and Florence Covey for bringing me to Point Defiance.


Welcome Tiffany Scott! Tiffany has started working at Bluebird in customer service and support, we are delighted to have her here with us. If you call us Monday-Thursday you most likely will be greeted by Tiffany.


Wow! We continue to be amazed at how stellar this Washington Heritage strain of Rye is – almost 5 feet tall and growing! I often get the question from readers of The Wheat Belly Book:  “is your grain the dwarf variety?” The photos below should answer that question! Treebeard and Raina of Raintree Farm of Tonaskat are responsible for keeping this unique variety alive. We are hoping to feature their story in our next newsletter so stay tuned.

20140523_155453A little Bluebird told me  that we have an online promotion coming up! In order to get the scoop ( via e-mail)  you need to be signed up for our online specials and promotions.

Our new packaging is slowly but surely hitting the grocery shelves in the Seattle and Portland area. We are excited to have Crown Pacific Fine Foods of Kent distributing for us. If you think your grocery store would be interested in carrying our products please let me know (), or refer your grocery buyer to Crown Pacific.
