Our Emmer is always whole, never pearled.
You may have heard about emmer before and never realized it, so let’s learn some facts about emmer now. Probably when you encountered emmer, it was labeled as farro in your recipe book or on your grocery store shelf. Farro is the Italian name for “ancient grain”. Einkorn, emmer, spelt in chronological order, are the three ancient, hulled wheats and the ancestors to all “modern wheat.” With some exceptions of spelt varieties, these three ancient wheats all need de-hulling.
What separates Bluebird’s emmer products from much of the “farro” you might find in grocery stores is in this de-hulling process. A lot of emmer is “pearled” or semi-pearled in the de-hulling process. Pearling scarifies the outer layer of a whole grain resulting in a quicker cooking time. However, pearling compromises the integrity of the kernels and a pearled or “semi” pearled product is no longer a true whole grain. Bluebird emmer is never pearled and is de-hulled in a fashion that keeps the entire kernel intact. As such, we are able to offer you the full complement of fiber, protein, nutrients and flavor that true whole grain emmer has to offer!
Emmer is Nutritious.
High in protein, trace minerals, and insoluble fiber—20% or more protein but only a trace of gluten. Our emmer farro is a true whole food: it sprouts!
Abundant trace minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium and niacin). Great source of insoluble fiber which feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut. 1 cup of emmer farro has significantly higher nutritional value when compared to rice, barley, pasta. Vegan friendly: just combine with a legume or bean to make a complete protein
Emmer is Delicious!
A little cooking time upfront will save you time and money in the long run. Cook like pasta until al dente and then drain excess water (about 50 minutes); maintains texture and flavor, unlike rice, pasta and barley when overcooked.
Emmer also retains a plump and chewy body and texture for several days after it’s cooked. Storability – cook ahead (larger quantity), store in the fridge, or freeze it for later. Versatility – delicious hot or cold (cook risotto style, create whole grain salads, add to soups).
Fun Facts about Emmer
- The first cultivated grain
- Farmed for over 10,000 years
- The ancestor of modern wheat
- A revered grain from Italy to Egypt