Organic Sonora Heritage Wheat Back in Stock
Harvest has started. Sonora heritage soft white wheat berries and flour are back in stock in both retail and wholesale channels. We are now offering Sonora heritage wheat in 2000 lb. totes to our wholesale customers. You can find our Sonora online or give us a call: 509-996-3526
Emmer Flour and Hard Red Wheat Flour lands on PCC shelves!
Look for our 2 lb. Emmer flour and 2 lb. Methow Hard Red Flour- it should be landing on the shelves in the next month. Our organic Whole Grain Emmer, and Hard White and Red Wheats should also be found in your bulk sections. Don’t see the products you would like to? Please let your local grocery store buyers know what Bluebird products you would like to see. Reach out to us also: we keep a list of customer requests.
New Packaging!
We have new packaging for all of our 2, 4, and 5 lb. products. You will see the new packaging in your orders starting in September. This has been a multiple year project that Brooke Lucy has been working on with her design and packaging team. We are delighted to offer a #4 recyclable package. All of our flour, cracked grains and handcrafted blends will transition to 2 and 4 lb. units. Our whole grains will remain in 5 lb. units.
New Podcast!
In episode 6 Deputy Don and Farmer Sam discuss how harvesting, storage, and the processing of ancient wheat profoundly impact the quality and flavor. Join them as they uncover the nuances behind processing emmer wheat. Click HERE to listen now.
Join us, October 21st.
Bluebird Grain Farms is partnering with friends of Friends of Winthrop Library to bring David Montgomery and Anne Bikle’ to the Winthrop Library on October 21st for a lecture and discussion about how to heal our land and reclaim our health.
What Your Food Ate takes evidence from recent and forgotten science to illustrate how the health of the soil nourishes crops, livestock, and ultimately us. Join us as we delve into the book and collectively share insights on the profound connection between soil health and human well-being. More information on the book can be found on the authors’ website.