The harvest is on! Autumn is a crazy yet satisfying time for farmers- there’s much work to do, but we finally get to see the fruits (seeds, actually) of our labors during the spring and summer. The crops look great this year- we are yielding above average in almost every field, and the grain is dense and of excellent quality. Our new problem is having enough silo space to store everything! Not a bad problem to have, all things considered.
In more bittersweet news, our longtime CSA coordinator Halley Hart has decided to move on! If you’ve purchased flour or grain from Bluebird in the past 9 years, it’s very likely Halley who packed your bag for you. Thank you for all your service Halley! Bluebird would not be what it is now without you. We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Here’s a note from Halley: “9 years at Bluebird Grain farms has afforded me the opportunity to take a close, hard look into the life of small family farmers everywhere. When I came on board at BB they had yet to receive their first large pallet order from a distributor. At first they trickled in and now distributor orders go out on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. The online retail business and wholesale customer base has grown as well. Running a small farm is not for the faint of heart. Weather is a factor that can not be controlled and Bluebird has come thru fires, winds and too much rain and has become a successful and very respected business. I have enjoyed working with great people, customers and being a part of a company that wants to leave the world a better place.” Sheah, CJ, and Tiffany will be filling in for Halley until we bring a new staff member on. If you are interested in working at Bluebird or know someone who is, let us know!
In the news: Bluebird Grain Farms is featured in the October 2016 issue of Acres USA! Yep, that is Sam on the cover! This national publication provides sustainably-minded farmers with great information on soil health, farming techniques, and business development. Unfortunately, the article is not currently online, but we will let you know if it becomes available. If you’re a farming nerd like we all are, you should get your own subscription!
New equipment: When farming, reducing wear and tear on your body is always a top priority. That’s why we’re excited to have a new conveyor belt sewing machine for our bulk packing line. This machine will help reduce our bending and lifting, and makes sewing bags shut more ergonomically comfortable. Sheah reports that it’s working well so far! We also purchased a new no-till grain drill that we’re very excited about- you can read more about it in Sam’s Farmer Notes.
New Placement in FRED MEYER! We’re excited to announce that Fred Meyer retail stores in Washington state will be carrying Bluebird Grain Farms products starting the first week of October! Fred Meyer connected with us as part of their initiative to source more locally produced organic products, and we’re glad to support them in doing so. If you’re shopping there, look for our flours in the baking section and our Emmer products in the packaged dinner section.
That’s all for this month. We’re looking forward to the slower pace and cooler temperatures of fall, and can’t wait to spend more time in the kitchen cooking and baking. See you next time!