Organic Potlatch Pilaf

$7.95$132.95 or subscribe and save 5%

A unique blend of Bluebird’s own golden Emmer farro splits and organic split wild rice;  two distinct flavors evenly blended into a dynamic hearty pilaf.  Perfect as a side dish, wraps, stuffing, soup and grain salads.



5.0 ratings

3 reviews

  1. James - October 13, 2023

    Potlatch Pilaf might take the cake for my favorite Bluebird product. It's delicious, easy, and has a flavor combination that is sure to please. Get this grain!

  2. Virginia H. - October 7, 2023

    The Potlatch Pilaf with Shallots and White wine (The bag side recipe ) was absolutely delicious and satisfying. I’m going to order 4 pounds next time.