Organic Sonora Heritage Soft White Wheat Berries

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Our organic Sonora Soft White Wheat berries have a rich, soft, buttery texture.  The whole grain berries will cook in 20-30 minutes on the stovetop and can be used in pilafs, grain salads, and additives to soups.





5.0 ratings

4 reviews

  1. Alex - December 15, 2024

    Milled into a fine flour, this really can be used cup-for-cup in place of white flour when baking pie crusts, fresh soft pasta, croissants, etc. It sounds too good to be true, but it is true and honestly a bit hard to believe. I also enjoy it as an alternative take in soups that call for pearled barley; since this isn't pearled, it will store longer. Pasta made from it doesn't have the gritty texture nor the whole wheat flavor I get when I use hard red wheat or durum wheat. I am very picky about my pasta, and think it will be very easy to give up white flour pasta entirely using this flour. There is a subtle flavor and texture difference, especially if cooked al dente, but it is close enough for me. The nutrition facts are similar to those on the bag of hard red I got in terms of fiber / calorie ratio. I'm writing this as I am eating a chicken pie I made using 100% this flour and the crust is delightful. You won't miss white flour if you get this, it seems like a miracle food and I'm frustrated and angry and having trouble understanding why store bought pasta is so sad when they could simply use grain like this. I know it'd still be rancid, but at least it would have the flavor and texture of pasta. Perhaps the resulting pasta doesn't dry well, or perhaps someone needs to start a business -- this has the potential to help pasta addicts greatly improve their health without sacrificing flavor or texture. You can always add in some hard red flour if you want that whole wheat flavor/texture, it's nice in some dishes; I just can't stand it it mac and cheese which is one of my favorite dishes. I still prefer 100% hard red wheat flour for my sourdough bread. My current pasta is 70% this, 20% semolina, and 10% hard red wheat flour. When I will serve it with pesto or a tomato sauce with no/little dairy, I might go as high as 30% hard red wheat for the nice nutty flavor. I like 50% hard red and 50% this for croissants. It's definitely less flaky than 100% this, but the hard red rich nutty flavor is amazing, much better than a croissant made with refined white flour. I've made 100% hard red croissants and the flavor is even better, but it's more like eating bread than a croissant. I do want to note that whole wheat flour will go rancid relatively quickly, unlike white flour that stays good for years, so if you want to replace white flour with this, I recommend milling fresh if you can. If that's not an option, Bluebird grain farms also sells the flour made from this. Consider vacuum sealing the flour in jars or storing the flour in the fridge/freezer, and always store them in a cool dark place. You'll also want to mill it very finely; I'm using the finest setting on a Mockmill 200. It tastes fine to me for a week or two at least. Seriously, this is a miracle product. High protein soft white wheat has incredible potential.

  2. Misti R. - November 9, 2024

    Sonora White Wheat is a dream!! I just made Flaxseed Banana Bread without having to adjust the conventional recipe. (Using freshly milled berries cup for cup.) So delicious! My family is very pleased with the results. Thank you for these beautiful grains. They are AMAZING!